Thursday, May 15, 2008

San Ten: Principles of San Ten Traditional Karate Do

San Ten: Principles of San Ten Traditional Karate Do

The Essence of Coaching Traditional Karate Do
by Vincent A. Cruz

Principles of Traditional Karate Technique (Waza

Power Source



Although power is derived through the mechanics and transformation of body energy, it is psychological and mental timing of power
which is deemed most important in Traditional Karate.


In order to generate physical power, it is necessary to have mental stability to procure:

Keiko -increased physical and mental strength.
Mizu no kokoro -stable emotions. Mind is like water.
Ki -the energy of the Universe.
Hara- The way to Meditation

The interaction of internal and external body forces that produce ultimate power.

Internal Power:
The transformation of body dynamics and locomotion produces potential power.
Body Dynamics Actions:


Muscle energy is transformed through retraction and extension, and contraction and expansion.
Potential physical power is generated through the controlled interaction of the muscular and skeletal system.

External Power
External forces are all other aids to the delivery of potential and transformed power,
such as floors, walls, and the adversary's body. Internal body forces operate
on the principles of action and reaction, and produce pushing and twisting motions
by exerting pressure against the floors, walls, etc.

Transmission of Generated Power

Generated power increases by the interaction of muscle, skeletal and body dynamics.
For example, punching involves the hip, torso and all its muscles. The shoulders, front and back muscles combine to generate locomotion of the shoulder and forearm. Wrist action combined with maximum speed or momentum only reinforces generated power.

Remarks... The more muscle one puts into play in the execution of a technique, the more powerful the force generated. However, all this action must be timed
to create one complete explosion.

Kime - The Focus of Power

Kime is the ultimate maximum application of generated power to one specific target. It is the total result of a well-executed technique.
Timing is most important upon delivery of the technique.

Kime Principles:

Action/Reaction: For every action there is opposite reaction.
Timing: The essence of the ultimate waza.
Continuous Force: Ability to continuously generate more power by using all dynamics available.
Action and Reaction

The origin of Kime is found in the body movements and their dynamics.
The uniformity of hip rotation, the extension and contraction of the arm (hikite),
the twisting (furi) and timing will produce an effective technique.

Hip Rotation:
Jun - kaiten: gyaku-zuki, age uke, soto ude
Gyaku-kaiten: gedan baraii, shuto uke, uchi uke
Hanmi: semi-frontal stance

The preparation of a correction position forms the basis for the execution of any technique. The equilibrium and harmonious coordination
of all total body movement are the foundation and principle of timing.

Continuous Force
Generating power through body contact to the floor or any surface while maintaining constant pressure to that surface until the completion
of the technique creates the true foundation of power and stability.

Organization of Basic Techniques

Attacking Techniques

Te-waza: Punching Techniques
Execution of body power used:
Mawashi-zuki - roundhouse punch- Rotation
Choku-zuki - straight punch - Shifting
Kagi-zuki - hook punch - Vibration
Age-zuki - rising punch
Uchi-waza: Striking Techniques

Execution of body power used:

Teisho-uchi - palm-heel strike- Rotation
Uraken-uchi - back-hand strike- Body expansion
Shuto-uchi- knife-hand strike - Vibration
Ate-waza- Smashing Techniques

Execution of body power used:

Empi-uchi- Elbow smash- Rotation- Shifting-Dropping and Rising
Keage-waza- Snapping Techniques
Execution of body power used:
Mae-keage - front-snap kick- Rotation
Ushiro-keage - back-snap kick - Pendulum
Mawashi-geri- roundhouse kick - Pendulum-Rotation
Ushiro-mawashi- roundhouse back kick- Pendulum/Rotation
Yoko-keage - side-snap kick-Pendulum
Kekomi-waza - Thrust Techniques
Execution of body power used:
Ushiro-kekomi - back-thrust kick - Pendulum
Yoko-kekomi - side-thrust kick-Pendulum
Mae-kekomi - front-thrust kick-Pendulum
Ate-waza: - Smashing Techniques

Execution of body power used:

Mawashi-hittsui-ate - round knee smash - Rotation
Mae-hittsui-ate - front knee smash - Pendulum
Fumi-waza: Stamping Techniques

Execution of body power used:
Fumi-tsuke - stamping - Dropping (dropping body
Fumi-komi - dropping thrust kick weight

Defensive Techniques:

Ate-uke Striking Blocks
Execution of body power used:
Soto-ude-uke - outside-forearm block - Body expansion
Teisho-uke - palm-heel block - Rotation
Gedan-barai - downward block - Vibration
Uchi-ude-uke- inside-forearm block -Rotation Vibration
Shuto-uke - knife-hand block-Vibration
Age-uke - riding block- Rotation
Haishu-uke - backhand block - Vibration- Rotation
Nagashi-uke Sweeping Blocks
Execution of body power used:
Kake-uke - hooking block- Muscle contraction
Osai-uke- pressing block- Rotation
Sukui-uke - scooping block- vibration
Sho-nagashi-uke - palm sweeping block
Tsukami-uke - grabbing block Vibration- Rotation
Ude-nagashi-uke - forearm sweeping block
Keri-ate-uke Kicking Blocks
Execution of body power used:
Hittsui-uke - knee smash block- Rotation- Pendulum
Mikazuki-geri - crescent kick block - Pendulum
Nami-ashi-geri-uke - inside-snapping kicking block- Vibration
Nagashi-uke Sweeping Blocks
Execution of body power used:
Mikazuki-nagashi-uke - cresent sweeping block Rotation - Muscle Contraction

Dachi (Stance Techniques)

Importance of kamae (fighting stance):
1) Maintaining the center of gravity between both legs.
2) The continual maximum application to procure potential external forces.

Major factors of Dachi during a movement:
1) Continuous contact with the floor.
2) Extension between legs, and keeping low center of gravity.
3) Lower body should be locked and complete hara tension should be applied.
4) Concentration on inside and outside pressure which benefits sudden and quick movements.

Outside and Inside Tension

Outside Tension:

Kiba-dachi straddle-leg stance
Shiko-dachi - Squat stance
Zenkutsu-dachi - forward stance
Sochin/Fudo dachi - Diagonal Straddle stance
Kokutsu-dachi - back stance
Inside Tension
Sanchin- /dachi Hourglass stance
Hangetsu-dachi crescent or hourglass stance
Nekoashi-dachi cat stance

Additional Techniques

Body shifting
Fumikomi-ashi - stepping
Yori-ashi - sliding
Tsugi-ashi - shuffling
Kawashi (Body switching)
Adjusting body direction in place.
Supporting Techniques
Kuzushi waza - (Balance breaking techniques}
1. Upset balance with foot sweeps and throwing techniques.
2. Hazushwaza - escaping techniques
3.Tsukami-waza - grabbing and holding techniques.
Remarks: Although Karate waza tries to maintain its purity, sometimes other martial arts can compliment Karate techniques.
Therefore, Judo, Aikido, and Jujitsu may compliment Karate waza.

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